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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Key Religious Groups Either Oppose Or Won't Weigh In On 'Ground Zero Mosque' - From TPM

Links on "Talking Points Memo" | Facebook

I posted this comment to a story about how the media has blown the issue of the Muslim community center being built two blocks from Ground Zero WAY out of proportion. Check the discussion out on facebook, and be informed.

Remember how the earliest colonies, the original European inhabitants of the Americas, fled Europe because they could not practice their religions openly. The Puritans, the Quakers (thank you, Will Penn) all driven out by the majorities - the Catholics and the Church of England. Congress shall make no law respecting religion, and all shall have complete religious freedom in the Unites States because of this heritage. Our country is great because people can believe whatever they want, openly and without fear. I'm not a Muslim, but the groups and individuals who are fighting this mosque are trying to infringe on all of our personal freedoms. Many of these same people claim to be 'strict constructionists.' How can they sleep at night?